/* * @(#)Options.java * * This file is part of webCDwriter - Network CD/DVD Writing. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Jörg P. M. Haeger * * webCDwriter is free software. See CDcreator.java for details. */ /** * A container for the writing options. * * @version 20041102 * @author Jörg P. M. Haeger */ class Options { static boolean blankTOC, closeCD, DAO, DVDVideo, format, HFS, hideContents, joliet, linkedMultisession, MD5File = true, MD5FileAlways = false, overburn = false, rejectEmptyCD, rejectWithoutUserID, rockRidge, simulate, verbose, verify = true, verifyAlways = false, waitForEmptyCD; static String acceptKey = "", bootImage, volumeID = "", writeProtection = "", writer = ""; static int copies, speed = 4, speedAudio = 4, speedCDRW = 4; static class ProjectInfo { String from = "", to = "", label = "", contents = ""; } static ProjectInfo projectInfo = new ProjectInfo(); static boolean calculateMD5s() { return (CDcreator.MD5FileSupport && MD5File) || MD5FileAlways; } static boolean doVerify() { return (CDcreator.verifySupport && verify) || verifyAlways; } /** * set the defaults */ public static void reset() { blankTOC = false; bootImage = null; closeCD = false; copies = 1; DAO = false; DVDVideo = false; format = false; HFS = false; hideContents = false; joliet = true; linkedMultisession = true; rejectEmptyCD = false; rejectWithoutUserID = true; rockRidge = true; simulate = false; verbose = false; waitForEmptyCD = false; } }