webCDwriter 2.8.2
Network CD Writing
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Installing the TC TrustCenter Class 3 CA certificate to the JRE

webCDcreator is signed by a RSA certificate issued by TC TrustCenter. Currently this certificate authority (CA) is not built into the JRE. You may import it manually to the CA keystore of your local JRE by

  1. Save the certificate TCTrustCenterClass3CA.txt, and the Java application installCA.class to the same directory. (If you have the JDK installed, you may compile installCA.java yourself by "javac installCA.java".)
  2. Open a command window (like MS-DOS Prompt, Command Prompt, xterm, ...).
  3. Change to the directory, you copied the above files to.
  4. Execute
    JREDIR/bin/java installCA TCTrustCenterClass3CA.txt
    and follow the instructions ("JREDIR" is the base directory of the JRE used by your local Java Plug-in, e.g. /usr/local/netscape-6.1/plugins/java2).
  5. Restart your browser.

Remark: A developer certificate issued by one of the already builtin CAs Thawte and Verisign ($200 to $400) would make the above procedure unnecessary. So if you like webCDwriter and want to support it ...